Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Don't Love Calling Men Stupid....But....

While I do see those that seem to enjoy cursing at, insulting, or otherwise verbally degrading men, that has never been my way. Why? The Sisterhood likes, wants and loves men that are NOT stupid, so an attempt is made to improve them, or at least inspire them to show greater effort. In other words, no laziness, no slowness and no stupidity. A worshiper who is any of those things is useless. (other 'femdom communities' seem to tolerate lazy worms, but I simply cannot) This is about the future, after all.

Why do I bring up this topic?
Because I have found some very stupid men lately.
It's partly because I use certain 'tests' to separate the truly worthless ones from the ones that might give pleasure.
One such test:
When a slave 'misbehaves' or does anything rude, stupid or unacceptable (even the best ones make mistakes now and then), I do not forgive them. Never. Forgiveness is not automatic process and thy must WORK to get back in favor. It's one reason I tell them that apologies are not accepted here, only explanations and fixes.
When a man 'messes up' bad enough to be banned from the city, I ban him. When he cries to come back and 'promises' to be better, I use my test:
1. The slave must do 3 things to get back in favor (I call them labors).
2. Here is the key, though. I will NEVER tell the slave what to do. The slave MUST give me a list of proposed labors he thinks I will like and accept. He must be 'creative' We negotiate over the list. If 3 are decided upon, he must then do all 3 BEFORE I un-ban him.
This test forces the man to create his own labors and tests his laziness.
Why should WE do the work to give orders, when the slave shoudl figure things out?
They will NOT get better unless they try!
Sadly, I am calling some men STUPID lately because some of them cannot think of 3 labors to even START this process. Thsi really separates the lazy from the ones with passion. And yes, a lazy man is never passionate enough!