Saturday, July 24, 2010

An Amazing First Day Of Celebrations!

What an amazing first day we had at our International Femdom Day celebrations! Here's some photos of today's events.

We kicked off with an amazing performance by Amforte Clarity

Enjoying the concert

Lady Janice and Dany

Miss Destiny leading our discussion

Lady Madeleine and Kees

Lady Maylea

Lady Sue and Marcus at O Palais' French Kiss event

Lady Loooo and Mateo

On the streets of Paris

Lady Elysa and Davide at the La Fortezza Dance Party

The dance floor

Lady Janice at the Leezu Fashion Show

The show producer and real star of the event, Lady Joie.

The designer herself, Leezu Baxter

Lady Sara striking a pose

Lady Zunie and Alfie

Lady Vixie from Leezu

Lady Medussa strutting her stuff

The Midsummer Night's Dream Ball

Lady Natsumi looking gorgeous

Lady Thalia

Lady Xady

Miss Madeleine

Thank you so much to everyone who worked so hard to bring these events to you today from the organizers, sim greeters, models, coordinators, and event hostesses, this was truly a team effort and such an amazing day. A personal thanks to Gregie for all of the photos!

Much more to come tomorrow. Our first event starts at 9 am SLT. Come and join us!