Monday, October 4, 2010

A Rip Roaring, Boot Stomping, Good Time!

Billy Mesmer kicked us off with an amazing live musical performance in the Saloon

The Tiny Ridge Gang (aka Eroyan and Loth) made an appearance

Lady Mandalay and Bret enjoying the music

Miss May with Trias and Mat

Get ready for the first round of races

Line dancing during Lady Sue's DJ set

Lady Muni, Lady Diamond and Lady Fujiko

Lady Ravanys and Riddick

Lady Leni and Zaira hitting the mechanical bulls

A big thank you to everyone who came out for the first ever Femdom Network Rodeo on Saturday! It was a blast. A special thank you to Billy Mesmer who did the best live musical performance I've seen in ages and to Lady Sue, who did an amazing DJ set at our Western Dance.

I love when our greater community comes together. Its always wonderful to see new faces. I hope you all had as great of a time as I did. Thank you all for supporting The Femdom Network!