Saturday, October 10, 2009

FALL Femdom Limerick Contest starts NOW

On Sunday at noon SLT we will have a reading of Femdom Limericks from last season's Femdom Limerick contest (come and's like poetry! but more fun!)

This also marks the beginning of the FALL Femdom Limerick Contest and we will be accepting submission through the end of October.

Don't know the exact structure of a limerick? Research it! There are always good prizes for the top 3 submissions, and the limericks are collected into a volume that will be published.

Good Luck Limericking!
(to submit limericks, send them via notecard to Ginette Pinazzo) (in Second LIfe)
(you can send them in any other way.....via Facebook, etc...but only those in Sl are eligible for actual prizes)